

Industrial - Story - Beyond


I'm a "very online" person. I make videos about all things design; including product reviews, design news, and how-tos. I'm building a community of designers spanning YouTube, Instagram, and the physical world. 


Vitsoe London Store Opening

A dream came true! I met Dieter Rams and Mark Adams at the new London Vitsoe store. It was such an inspiring evening, and Dieter gave me some words of advice. Special thanks to Precipice Design for sending myself and fellow designer Kaylene along!


London Design Festival 2019 Highlights

Precipice Design sent two designers (me and Heidi) to see as many events as possible at the LDF 2019! We saw London Design Fair, Please Be Seated by Paul Cocksedge Studio, as well as Design Junction and the new Kings Cross development.


Industrial Designer vs. Transport Designer

Industrial and transport designers have their sketching skills put to the test! This is a paid partnership with British Marine. They invited me to see the Superyacht UK Young Designer Competition last month, and now Iā€™m facing the winner!


Braun Audio at IFa 2019

Precipice Design sent me to Berlin to see the Braun Speakers that they made the branding collateral for! I got to experience the speakers first-hand, and I also checked out the rest of the show with the help of some friends.